Saturday, April 11, 2009

Postpartum Progress: MOTHERS Act To Drug America's Moms For Fake Postpartum Depression

From Katherine Stone: 

Wake up, Warrior Moms.  Wake up people who work to prevent child abuse, people who work to prevent suicide, people who work to prevent preterm births, people who care about healthy families.  Wake up, people who care about motherhood.  Wake up, women of America.  Wake up psychiatric professionals, nurses, OB/GYNS, pediatricians. 

Here's an actual text of a communication being sent far and wide by the very loud and vociferous opposition to the Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act to support increased funding, education and research for postpartum depression.....

Postpartum Progress: MOTHERS Act To Drug America's Moms For Fake Postpartum Depression

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