Saturday, April 11, 2009

Need your help generating signatures for the MOTHERS Act


Hey Ladies and Gentleman:

Now that The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act has passed in the U.S. House of Representatives, we face an even more difficult challenge getting it to the senate floor and passed this year. With the help of Mary Jo Codey, Former First Lady, State of New Jersey, Sylvia Lasalandra, author of A Daughters Touch, and Katherine Stone, author of our nation's most widely read blog on PPD, Postpartum Progress, we are attempting to bring the movement of support to life by listing the names of constituents within each state that support this legislation.

We've gotten off to a great start, but have a ways to reach our goal of a thousand signatures from each state by MOTHERS Day.

Please help us build this additional, more personal demonstration of national support by encouraging your colleagues, family and friends to lend their names to this project. The stakeholders are anyone who has ever been a mother or a child.  Please ask them to email me at

with their name, state, any credentials, and permission to be listed.

To see the listings, go to

Thanks for all you do for women, children and families to support maternal child health!




Susan Dowd Stone, MSW, LCSW
Chair, President's Advisory Council,
Postpartum Support International
NJHSS Certified Perinatal Mood Disorders Instructor
Adjunct Lecturer, Silver School of Social Work
New York University
Public Reviewer, NIMH
201-567-5596 (office)
201-567-6597 (fax)

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