Saturday, April 11, 2009

Postpartum Progress: MGH Center for Women's Mental Health Seeking Study Participants

The Massachussetts General Hospital Center for Women's Mental Health is conducting a new study titled "Escitalopram (Lexapro) for the treatment of postpartum depresson".  It is a 2-month open label trial of Lexapro for women who have been feeling depressed and anxious since giving birth.  Women would need to be able to go into the Boston office 5 times over a period of 2 months.  If you are between the ages of 18 and 45, gave birth within the past six months, began to feel depressed and anxious within 3 months of giving birth, are not currently taking an antidepressant and are not breastfeeding, you may be eligible to participate in this research study evaluating how an FDA-approved antidepressant helps treat depression after childbirth.  Women who participate will receive study medication and evaluations of their mood at no cost and will be compensated up to $150 over the course of the 8-week study.  For information call 617-724-6989 or email

Postpartum Progress: MGH Center for Women's Mental Health Seeking Study Participants

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