Monday, March 30, 2009

Postnatal Disorders: Is New Motherhood Driving You Crazy?

Monday, March 23rd, 2009 | Mental Health

by Christy Cuellar-Wentz

Life changes dramatically with the advent of a new child. While it is understandable that stress levels may be high and negative emotions common during the adjustment to being on call 24 hours a day, new mothers typically hide these feelings from friends and family members. They mistakenly believe that grateful, loving thoughts and emotions are the only appropriate ones to admit to when dealing with the challenges of new motherhood.

Many women are scared to be seen as a “bad” or “crazy” mom. Without a guideline to tell what’s normal and what’s not, they fear their babies will be taken away and never ask for the help they need.

To help set the record straight, let’s take a look at some symptoms common in new mothers. Fatigue, mood swings, persistent tearfulness, irritability, forgetfulness, anxiety, difficulty concentrating are all perfectly normal within 48 hours after delivering a baby. People typically refer to this experience as the “baby blues.” Although the majority of women have to cope with baby blues, the symptoms tend to resolve on their own within two weeks. This is the time it typically takes for a new mother’s body to adjust to the stress of delivery and stabilize the massive fluctuations in hormone levels following the birth of a child.....

Postnatal Disorders: Is New Motherhood Driving You Crazy?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

OFSB Southeast Ohio Community Meeting

Those of you in the Southeast Ohio area, we will be holding a community meeting to discuss both the legislative efforts and plans for the upcoming International Midwives Day Celebration.
The meeting will be held on Saturday, March 28 at 2 pm at the Athens Public Library, 30 Home Street. Refreshments will be served.
This meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about our efforts to pass CPM licensure legislation in Ohio. We will let you know what you can do to help.
Please mark your calendars and let others know--please forward to your other networks and e-mail lists!

Friday, March 20, 2009

The MOTHER'S Act Petition Signing Party

Lauren Hale sent a message to the members of MOTHER'S Act Petition Signing Party.
Subject: Status Update Suggestion for Today's Event
Welcome to the MOTHER'S Act Petition Signing Party!
On behalf of Postpartum Support International, we thank you for attending and for supporting the Melanie Blocker-Stokes MOTHER'S Act, important legislation which will help so many families who struggle with a Postpartum Mood Disorder.
To participate in today's Signing party, we as you not only sign the petition but at some point today, we request that you change your status to the following:
One in Eight new Mothers will experience a Mood Disorder. Help them get the support they deserve by signing here:
We also ask that you share the event on your profile as well as the link for the Group Postpartum Support International.
Feel free to post your stories or reasons for participating on the wall as well!
Thank you again for participating and for all you do!
Lauren Hale
Postpartum Support International Georgia Co-Coordinator

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Alternative Treatments for Postpartum Depression: Chiropractic and Applied Kinesiology | Baby Chat

Many experts advocate for drug-free alternatives to treating postpartum depression, as drugs can have negative side-effects and do not treat the cause of the problem, just the symptoms. Dr. Tyran Mincey, a Doctor of Chiropractic and Applied Kinesiologist, of the New York City/New Jersey area, explains why Chiropractic and Applied Kinesiology can help a woman suffering from PPD.....

Alternative Treatments for Postpartum Depression: Chiropractic and Applied Kinesiology | Baby Chat

Natural Remedies for Postpartum Depression

Tess Thompson

A woman’s body undergoes a lot of changes during pregnancy and childbirth. Hormonal changes, the physical stress of birth and lack of sleep coupled with the added responsibility of parenting predispose the new mother to mental disorders like depression. Extreme cases of postpartum depression may cause unpleasant emotional turbulence, hallucinations and even thoughts of suicide.

Women who are more inclined to suffer from postpartum depression include…

  • Women with a history of depression or family history of depression.
  • Women with relationship troubles or other stressors.
  • Women with an insufficient family/social support system.

Postpartum depression is a common occurrence but rarely manifests in its full severity. The treatment involves the same steps as those involved in treating depression , and in most cases antidepressants are administered. The safety of using these drugs during breastfeeding is open to doubt.

Treating depression naturally involves consultations with an expert psychologist or a psychiatrist. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps in casting away negative thoughts and behaviors. Interpersonal Therapy is very effective and helps in getting over the problems that are faced by women. It also helps in handling the transition of roles in a better manner......

Natural Remedies for Postpartum Depression

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Central Ohio Community Meeting

Kathleen invited you to "Central Ohio Community Meeting" on Sunday, March 22 at 2:00pm.
Event: Central Ohio Community Meeting
       "Help support midwifery legislation in Ohio!"
What: Informational Meeting
Host: Ohio Families for Safe Birth
Start Time: Sunday, March 22 at 2:00pm
End Time: Sunday, March 22 at 4:00pm
Where: CHOICE office
To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

OFSB Central Ohio Meeting March 22

Posted by: "kathyskes" kathyskes

Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:07 pm (PDT)

Hi everyone!
Those of you in the Central Ohio area, we will be holding a community
meeting to discuss both the legislative efforts and plans for the
upcoming International Midwives Day Celebration.
The meeting will be held on Sunday, March 22 at 2 pm at the CHOICE
office, 3474 North High Street (map
> ). Refreshments will be served.
This meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about our
efforts to pass CPM licensure legislation in Ohio. We will let you know
what you can do to help.
Please mark your calendars and let others know--please forward to your
other networks and e-mail lists!
Kathy Skestos
Vice Chair, OFSB

Supporting Women through Perinatal Loss

A Workshop for Childbirth Professionals with Miriam Maslin
Sponsored by Dayton Area Labor Support and Perinatal Education Associates

"I attended an enlightening and empowering workshop entitled, "Supporting
Women through Perinatal Loss" guided by Miriam Maslin, an amazing doula and
polarity therapist from Jerusalem. She didn't teach the session but guided
us to the awareness and answers that were within by encouraging us to learn
from each other and to trust in ourselves." ~ "The Neutral Fulcrum" by
MaryBeth Nance, CD(DONA), CLD(CAPPA), International Doula, Volume 16, Issue
2, Page 9
The entire birthing process can be seen as a paradigm. Painful contractions
represent the challenges in our lives; and each challenge presents an
opportunity for growth and healing. The greater the challenge - the greater
the potential for transformation. Only from the deepest, darkest places can
we reach the loftiest heights.
Stillbirths and neonatal deaths are "contractions" that no one ever wishes
to encounter. Yet, working in this field, each of us will ultimately be
called upon to support through such an experience.
How can we, as childbirth professionals, learn to be truly present with
our clients?
Do we know that while pain and loss are inevitable, trauma is not?
What can we do to support in a way that will promote healing and
And finally, how can we nurture and elevate ourselves throughout this
difficult process?
We will explore this challenge through stories, meditations, writing,
counseling exercises, sharing, and teachings.
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Place: 98 E Franklin Street Suite B, Centerville, OH
Fee: $130  (Due to the current financial climate, discounts are
available. Please contact Miriam for details)
Registration Deadline: March 22, 2009
Workshop participation is limited to 15
MEAC CEU's: .5 (5 Credit Hours)
Additional $10 for MEAC CEU certification
For information and registration:
Miriam Maslin
Tel: 516-478-9657
For directions:
Denise Easthon
Tel: 937- 269-1312
Wife, mother, grandmother, and retired interior designer, Miriam Maslin has
been a source of inspiration to many: young and old, secular and religious,
long-time searchers and those who are just beginning their own "Interior
Design". Her inner journey has taken her across the spectrum from the
beginning to the end of the life cycle -- she is a doula and has served as
both hospice volunteer and member of the Jewish Burial Society. She
incorporates both Polarity Therapy (a system of energy/holistic healing) and
spiritual teachings into her work. Miriam has lead workshops for women's
groups and childbirth professionals in over twenty-one U.S. states; in
Canada and Israel. She will be presenting a workshop this summer at the DONA
International Conference in Atlanta. You can read more about her work at

Friday, March 13, 2009

Facebook | MOTHER'S Act Petition Signing Party

Host: Postpartum Support International

Type: Causes - Rally

Network: Global

Date: Friday, March 20, 2009

Time: 12:00am - 11:00pm



The MOTHER'S Act has been through mark-up and will go to vote this month in the US House. Won't you sign the petition in support of this valuable legislation?
On Friday, March 20th, we're asking you to sign the petition as well as share this event on your profile, encouraging those you know to sign the petition!
***Note*** Even if you've already signed the petition, we encourage you to sign up to attend and ask that you share the event on your profile to encourage others to sign the petition as well! And we thank you for already signing! *****
If you're curious about the full text of the legislation, it can be found here:
To read immediate Past President of PSI, Susan Dowd-Stone's statement about this advocacy effort, click here:
Thank you for your support and compassion for those who struggle daily with a Postpartum Mood Disorder!

Facebook | MOTHER'S Act Petition Signing Party

NOW is the Time to Pass Postpartum Depression Legislation!

Take Action
NOW is the Time to Pass Postpartum Depression Legislation!
It's About Time to Stop New Mothers from Taking Their Own Lives!

Postpartum Depression

It Could Be You, A Friend or a Loved One.

Who is Melanie Blocker Stokes? A talented, successful businesswoman and new mother who, eight years ago, took her own life. Everyone thought she had it all-brains, beauty, and success.

What they didn't know was that she also had postpartum depression or PPD.

A bill recently introduced in the House of Representatives (H.R. 20),  the Melanie Blocker-Stokes Research and Care Act, is designed to make awareness of the illness -- a national priority.

The legislation would mandate research on the benefits of screening for PPD. And, it would also create programs  to deliver outpatient, inpatient, and home-based health and support services, including services that would promote earlier diagnosis and treatment.

That was eight years ago....And we cannot go another year without passing this critical legislation!

For this new 2009 Congressional session, the bill has been reintroduced in both the House (H.R. 20) and the Senate (S. 324).

This campaign is in collaboration with our partner, Postpartum Support International (PSI)

Read about this bill

Please send a letter NOW asking your legislators to pass this

critical legislation.

Although we are all focused on the economy, we cannot let important mental health legislation fall through the cracks.

Take the Time NOW to Connect and Be Counted.

One Person Can Make a Difference:

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance: Advocacy in Action

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Motherhood and Activism

Posted by: "Martha Nieset"

Sun Mar 8, 2009 4:03 pm (PDT)

I received this from someone at Ohio State and thought some of you on this
list might find it very relevant to what we are doing with Ohio Families for
Safe Birth and attempting to get licensure for midwives in Ohio. Is there
anyone who thinks they could attend, possibly share a little bit about
OFSB's mission and bring back to others on the list any useful or
informative info? This sounds like a fun and interesting event and they
offer childcare.
Martha Nieset

The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus
in partnership with Mothers Acting Up Philanthropiece hosts the (*M)other Tour*, a joint program to create a global community of mothers moving from concern to action on behalf of the world’s children. The centerpiece of the (*M)other Tour* is a one-woman show accompanied by a workshop that uses theatre to empower mother voices to effectively advocate for issues impacting children, women and communities. *(M)other* will be performed on* **Friday, March 20* at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus at* **7pm*. The Church is located at 93 W Weisheimer Rd. Please visit call 614.267.4946 for more information.

*The performance* explores what it might take for the mothers of one country
to authentically care about the mothers and children of another country. The
show’s opening describes a fictional program, called “Baby Swapping,”
created by the United Nations to generate concern for the world’s children.
In this small, limited pilot program, seven mothers from seven nations from
around the world are required by their governments to swap their
six-month-old babies with another mother from another nation for one month.
What follows is an intimate look at one of these mother’s experiences and
her eventual realization of her interconnectedness with these other mothers,
their children, and their nations. The last line of the show states*, “I
think the hardest part about going back to my old life will be facing the
part of me that believed you were ‘other.’ Everything has changed. Before I
had asked, Why me? Why now? Now I ask, if not me, who? If not now, when?”*
*The workshop*, often referred to as a* **rehearsal for activism*, asks
mothers to identify their most passionate concern for children and helps
them gain skills, confidence and practice declaring this concern. The
workshop leads each mother to her own brand of leadership in creating a
world in which children’s needs are prioritized and their rights protected.
*The workshop* will be hosted on* **Saturday, March 21* at the church at* **
9am*. Childcare is available for both the performance and workshop. Please
call (614.267.4946) by March 16 to reserve space.

The* (M)other Tour* will travel to each congressional district in Colorado,
cities across North America and parts of Asia and Latin America from May
2008-2010. Footage will be gathered at every location to create a
documentary that explores the diversity and variety of voices, actions, and
solutions of this global community of mothers acting up on behalf of the
world’s children.

Beth Osnes, MAU Co-founder and writer/performer of (M)other states, “This
show is the best way I could think to condense this last five years with
Mothers Acting Up into a good night out. It maps out one path towards
personal transformation from concern to action on behalf of the world’s
children. It holds within it the wild hope that others, upon recognizing
themselves along this journey, will feel inspired and fortified from this
offering to chart their own audacious path towards a better future for all

*“Rich, clever and empowering.” Daily Camera*
*“An intimate look at the maternal experience across international
boundaries.” Nashville Scene
“The terrain of this drama is rich with intrigue, realizations and abundant
hope.” Women’s Magazine*
*“(M)other explores parenthood as a global concern.” The Tennessean*
Martha Nieset
Columbus, OH
Midwives: Professionals Not Criminals |

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Discounts Available for Perinatal Loss Workshop in Centerville,OH with Miriam Maslin

Supporting Women through Perinatal Loss
A Workshop for Childbirth Professionals
with Miriam Maslin
Sponsored by
Dayton Area Labor Support and Perinatal Education Associates

"I attended an enlightening and empowering workshop entitled, "Supporting
Women through Perinatal Loss" guided by Miriam Maslin, an amazing doula and
polarity therapist from Jerusalem. She didn't teach the session but guided
us to the awareness and answers that were within by encouraging us to learn
from each other and to trust in ourselves." ~ "The Neutral Fulcrum" by
MaryBeth Nance, CD(DONA), CLD(CAPPA), International Doula, Volume 16, Issue
2, Page 9

The entire birthing process can be seen as a paradigm. Painful contractions
represent the challenges in our lives; and each challenge presents an
opportunity for growth and healing. The greater the challenge - the greater
the potential for transformation. Only from the deepest, darkest places can
we reach the loftiest heights.

Stillbirths and neonatal deaths are "contractions" that no one ever wishes
to encounter. Yet, working in this field, each of us will ultimately be
called upon to support through such an experience.

How can we, as childbirth professionals, learn to be truly present with our clients?
Do we know that while pain and loss are inevitable, trauma is not?
What can we do to support in a way that will promote healing and growth?
And finally, how can we nurture and elevate ourselves throughout this difficult process?

We will explore this challenge through stories, meditations, writing, counseling exercises, sharing, and teachings.

Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Place: 98 E Franklin Street Suite B, Centerville, OH
Fee: $130  (Due to the current financial climate, discounts are
available. Please  
             contact Miriam for details)
Workshop participation is limited to 15
MEAC CEU's: .5 (5 Credit Hours)
           Additional $10 for MEAC CEU certification
For information and registration:
Miriam Maslin
Tel: 516-478-9657
For directions:
Denise Easthon
Tel: 937- 269-1312

Wife, mother, grandmother, and retired interior designer, Miriam Maslin has
been a source of inspiration to many: young and old, secular and religious,
long-time searchers and those who are just beginning their own "Interior
Design". Her inner journey has taken her across the spectrum from the
beginning to the end of the life cycle -- she is a doula and has served as
both hospice volunteer and member of the Jewish Burial Society. She
incorporates both Polarity Therapy (a system of energy/holistic healing) and
spiritual teachings into her work. Miriam has lead workshops for women's
groups and childbirth professionals in over twenty-one U.S. states; in
Canada and Israel. She will be presenting a workshop this summer at the DONA
International Conference in Atlanta. You can read more about her work at

Event: Preconception Class "Want to be pregnant? Here's the scoop!"

Rachel invited you to "Preconception Class" on Monday, March 23 at 6:30pm.
Rachel says, "Tell your friends!  This is a free program, light refreshments will be served.  For more information, visit  my website at".
Event: Preconception Class
       "Want to be pregnant?  Here's the scoop!"
What: Class
Host: Rachel Sieman, Certified Nurse-Midwife
Start Time: Monday, March 23 at 6:30pm
End Time: Monday, March 23 at 8:00pm
Where: Boardman Park:  Georgianna Parker Activity Center
To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

OFSB Birth Quilt

Posted by: "Rachel DesRochers" rldesrochers
Tue Mar 3, 2009 4:29 pm (PST)

Hi All-
I am helping OFSB with a Cincinnati area fundraiser. With part of this
fundraiser to support the efforts of OFSB we are creating a Birth Quilt as a
raffle item. We will sell tickets for this- so the more you buy the better
chance you have to win! We are looking at hosting this fundraiser in early
I am coming to you to ask you to take part in this amazing quilt.
For you to be part of the quilt we need:
7 x 7 (in) piece of cloth
100% cotton
no embellishments at this time
I ask you when choosing your square - choose something that means something
to you and one of your births. This will be so full of memories of a
community of strong women who have given birth, who are mothers, who are
memory makers. Also - as a community we must reach out to our neighbors -
reach out in a way of change. Ask your neighbor also for this piece of
cloth, simply by making them part of it they too are celebrating and
supporting the works and efforts of OFSB.
I need these fabric pieces by April 1st. I am around town a lot but please
feel free to stick them in the mail. I also attend the monthly Homebirth
Circle and am at the local monthly doula event.
If you would like to mail it out please let me know and I will send you my
thank you in advance for your support for this amazing cause! I am proud to
say I am part of such an amazing movement, a time of change, and all of you
amazing mamas!

The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act moves forward!

The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act moves forward!

March 2, 2009

We are getting closer! The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act, H.R. 20 is scheduled for markup this Wednesday, March 4th, in the Energy & Commerce Committee. This version of the original bill (passed by nearly unanimous bipartisan support in October of 2007,) includes enhancements from U.S. Senator Robert Menendez’s MOTHERS Act with regard to screening, and Congressman Rush’s call for increased funding for etiological research.

Additionally, the bill maintains Congressman Pitt’s compromise language regarding a longitudinal study on depression as a result of voluntary or involuntary termination of a pregnancy. This is important because women whose babies are stillborn, who miscarry, or elect termination are also subjected to these devastating disorders and have not been represented in previously reported statistics or research.

The next step after successful markup would be a full House vote, followed by similar action in the U.S. Senate.

Thank you to Congressman Bobby L. Rush, U.S. Senator Robert Menendez and Senator Richard Durbin for your unceasing efforts on behalf of America’s mothers!

Below is a list of Congressman who have been selected to serve on the Energy and Commerce Committee in the 111th Congress. We encourage you to contact them to encourage support and passage of this legislation!

Henry A. Waxman, CA, Chair

Joe Barton, TX, Ranking Member

John Dingell, MI, Chair Emeritus

Ralph Hall, TX

Edward Markey, MA

Fred Upton, MI

Rick Boucher, VA

Cliff Stearns, FL

Frank Pallone, Jr., NJ

Nathan Deal, GA

Bart Gordon, TN

Ed Whitfield, KY

Bobby Rush, IL

John Shimkus, IL

Anna Eshoo, CA

John Shadegg, AZ

Bart Stupak, MI

Roy Blunt, MO

Eliot Engel, NY

Steve Buyer, IN

Gene Green, TX

George Radanovich, CA

Diana DeGette, CO

Joseph Pitts, PA

Lois Capps, CA

Mary Bono Mack, CA

Michael Doyle, PA

Greg Walden, OR

Jane Harman, CA

Lee Terry, NE

Janice Schakowsky, IL

Mike Rogers, MI

Charles Gonzalez, TX

Sue Wilkins Myrick, NC

Jay Inslee, WA

John Sullivan, OK

Tammy Baldwin, WI

Tim Murphy, PA

Mike Ross, AR

Michael Burgess, TX

Anthony Weiner, NY

Marsha Blackburn, TN

Jim Matheson, UT

Phil Gingrey, GA

G.K. Butterfield, NC

Steve Scalise, LA

Charlie Melancon, LA

John Barrow, GA

Baron Hill, IN

Doris Matsui, CA

Donna Christensen, VI

Kathy Castor, FL

John Sarbanes, MD

Christopher Murphy, CT

Zachary Space, OH

Jerry McNerney, CA

Betty Sutton, OH

Bruce Braley, IA

Peter Welch, VT

Summary of The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act (S. 324/H.R.20)

The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act, sponsored by Senators Menendez and Representative Rush, will help provide support services to women suffering from postpartum depression and psychosis and will also help educate mothers and their families about these conditions. In addition, it will support research into the causes, diagnoses and treatments for postpartum depression and psychosis.

“Melanie Blocker Stokes Mom’s Opportunity to Access Health, Education, Research, and Support for Postpartum Depression Act” or the “Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act”

TITLE I- Research

· Encourages Health and Human Services (HHS) to coordinate and continue research to expand the understanding of the causes of, and find treatments for, postpartum conditions. Also, encourages a National Public Awareness Campaign, to be administered by HHS, to increase awareness and knowledge of postpartum depression and psychosis.

· Includes a Sense of Congress that the Director of the National Institutes of Health may conduct a nationally representative longitudinal study of the relative mental health consequences for women of resolving a pregnancy (intended or unintended) in various ways, including carrying the pregnancy to term and parenting the child, carrying the pregnancy to term and placing the child for adoption, miscarriage, and having an abortion. This study may assess the incidence, timing, magnitude, and duration of the immediate and long-term mental health consequences (positive and negative) of these pregnancy outcomes.

TITLE II- Delivery of Services

· Encourages HHS to make grants available for projects for the establishment, operation, and coordination of systems for the delivery of essential services to individuals with postpartum depression.

o (Entities): Makes grants available to public or nonprofit private entity, which may include a State or local government, a public-private partnership, a recipient of a grant under the Healthy Start program, a public or nonprofit private hospital, community-based organization, hospice, ambulatory care facility, community health center, migrant health center, public housing primary care center, or homeless health center, or any other appropriate public or nonprofit private entity.

o (Activities): Eligible activities include delivering or enhancing outpatient, inpatient and home-based health and support services, including case management and comprehensive treatment services for individuals with or at risk for postpartum conditions. Activities may also include providing education about postpartum conditions to new mothers and their families, including symptoms, methods of coping with the illness, and treatment resources, in order to promote earlier diagnosis and treatment.

TITLE III- General Provisions

· (Funding): Authorizes $3,000,000 for fiscal year 2009; and such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2010 and 2011.

· (HHS Report): Requires the Secretary of HHS to conduct a study on the benefits of screening for postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis.

· (Limitation): The Secretary may not utilize amounts made available under this Act to carry out activities or programs that are duplicative of activities or programs that are currently being carried out through the Dept of HHS.



American College of Nurse Midwives

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

American Psychological Association

American Psychiatric Association

Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs

Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses

Children’s Defense Fund

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

Family Mental Health Foundation


Kristin Brooks Hope Center

March of Dimes

Melanie Blocker Stokes Foundation

Mental Health America

NARAL, Pro-Choice America

National Alliance on Mental Illness

National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare

National Partnership for Women & Families

National Women’s Law Center

OWL- The Voice of Midlife and Older Women

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Postpartum Support International

Suicide Prevention Action Network USA

Tags: Congressman Bobby L. Rush, postartum depression legislation, The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act, U.S. Senator Robert Menendez, women's health conditions

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Volunteers Needed: International Midwives Day Celebration!

Hi everyone!
We are starting to plan our statewide International Midwives Day
Celebration in Columbus and we need volunteers to help with the planning
and logistics of what will be a large event--as Stephanie described in a
recent e-mail, the "mother of all rallies." This year's celebration
will be held on Tuesday, May 5.
Just like last year, we will be holding a Lobby Day in conjunction with
IMD, but this year we are expanding our presence at the Statehouse to
include a family-friendly celebration on the South lawn of the
Statehouse that will include activities for kids, inspiration, and the
experience of shared community with other homebirth families and
supporters for moms and dads and everyone else who supports our cause in
We will need lots of folks in Columbus and the Central Ohio area to help
with this, of course, but we also need the ideas and creative energies
of folks from around the state, too.
If you have ideas about what you think would make a fun and meaningful
day at Ohio's state Capitol for families and others who support
midwifery care, and/or if you want to help with an exciting event that
will further the cause of midwifery legislation in Ohio,
please e-mail me at . I look forward to
hearing from you!
Kathy Skestos
Vice Chair, Ohio Families for Safe Birth