Friday, March 13, 2009

Facebook | MOTHER'S Act Petition Signing Party

Host: Postpartum Support International

Type: Causes - Rally

Network: Global

Date: Friday, March 20, 2009

Time: 12:00am - 11:00pm



The MOTHER'S Act has been through mark-up and will go to vote this month in the US House. Won't you sign the petition in support of this valuable legislation?
On Friday, March 20th, we're asking you to sign the petition as well as share this event on your profile, encouraging those you know to sign the petition!
***Note*** Even if you've already signed the petition, we encourage you to sign up to attend and ask that you share the event on your profile to encourage others to sign the petition as well! And we thank you for already signing! *****
If you're curious about the full text of the legislation, it can be found here:
To read immediate Past President of PSI, Susan Dowd-Stone's statement about this advocacy effort, click here:
Thank you for your support and compassion for those who struggle daily with a Postpartum Mood Disorder!

Facebook | MOTHER'S Act Petition Signing Party

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